Monday, November 18, 2013

Starcade on the Web

"And the question is "what is Pong?" Alex"
Hey, remember the 80s? No? Well let me tell you all about them. There was Reaganomics, John Hughes, a little kid trapped in a well, Def Leppard and of course, video games. Notice I didn't say internet? And that sad fact right there is what made us 80s kids get up off of our lazy butts, stand up on our own two feet with pride and conviction, and walk over to the TV to turn it on and leave it on. And what did we watch on our Zeniths and Sanyos? Shows about video games, of course! And the best video game show of all (that was tragically cut short by a dramatic drop-off in interest fueled in no small part by the Video Game Crash of 1983) was a game show called Starcade. On Starcade, contestants we're challenged with topical video game trivia questions and got to play the hottest, newest video arcade machines of the time in order to win thousands of dollars in fabulous prizes! Aside from the Price is Right and maybe Family Feud, it was the only game show I cared about. And now, you can too. So quit trying to catch up on Breaking Bad and click/tap/lick the link below to head on over to where you can feast upon over 60 classic episodes of this 80s retro sweetness!



  1. The show had an interesting history which included being rejected by NBC. It took a lot of persistence and 4 pilots before getting picked up by TBN. Also sordid details involving Larry Wilcox from CHiPs and Alex Trebec.

  2. Here's a clip of Alex Trebek hosting a Starcade pilot:
